Saturday, September 22, 2012

Avocado Basil Sandwich

I just recently began a herb garden on my porch.  I love the idea of growing and eating my own food and right now I am slowly trying to make that a reality.  You have to start somewhere, right? I currently have basil, cilantro, thyme, oregano and mint sprouting their roots.  A fellow med student I met told me basil and tomato are the gateway drugs to gardening.  Looks like I'm done for now.  Haha.  I might have been having a little too much fun with my basil plant this week because I ate sandwiches with basil as the main ingredient all week.  Heyyy, that's what gardening does to you :)

My baby's growing up! (tear)

These sandwiches are both simple and simply delicious.  Sometimes I like my food to be very light and fresh in flavor so I can enjoy the unique flavors of the food itself without them being overpowered by the seasoning.  I LOVE avocado so I had to have it in at least one sandwich and the second recipe I found here and decided to give it a try.  Check it!

What you'll need:
1/2 Avocado
5-7 basil leaves
Two slices of multi-grain bread
(I opt for multi-grain over whole wheat these days.  I find it more nutritious.)

Spread hummus on the slices.

Layer one slice with 1/2 of an avocado and the other one with the basil leaves.

Put your slices together!

For the second recipe, click here!
I kinda like sandwiches, so more of these recipes to come in the future......


Thank you for reading!  My people, I appreciate you all so much.  Be healthy and happy.  Ciao!

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